With reference to the aid application through FEG system (Generalized Front End – specific platform for Company accounting presentation), protocol n. 15365 dated 14/05/2018, to be worth on Notice POR FESR 2014-2020 – Activities 2.3.b – Ban 23b1 bis “Investment aid and corporate reorganization and restructuring of SMEs – Support the innovative consolidation of SMEs, through the introduction of innovative services and technologies related to ICT” approved by Decision of the Regional Council No. 2639 of 28 December 2017, the Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone-Udine transmitted to LAST Technology the Decree no. 2732/PROTUR of 03/11/2020, nr. 2874 with which it is communicated the allocation of a contribution in favour of the company to support the submitted development project named “Software platform for product life cycle management”.
The funded project involves the insertion of a multifunctional software platform to interconnect and integrate software applications, data, operating methodologies, people, workstations inside and outside the company, making more effective and optimized the management of the product life cycle, from the Concept phase to the Service.
Eligible expenditure: 26.135,00 Euros
Total aid: 13,067.50 Euros