In 2016, Last Technology decided to develop an integrated management system that currently includes ISO9001 and ISO45001, while ISO14001 and ISO5001 are being implemented.
In the Policy document, Last Technology defines the contents of its mission to develop, implement and continuously improve the performance of its integrated quality, safety, environmental and energy management system as a determining factor for its image, reputation and profit.
The Policy constitutes the basis on which Last Technology defines its commitments and identifies its improvement objectives. It must be updated in relation to organisational and legislative changes that become necessary in the socio-economic context in which it operates.
By providing human, instrumental, and economic resources, Last Technology is committed to pursuing the goals of improving quality, workers’ health and safety, the environment, and energy, as an integral part of its business and as a strategic commitment to the company’s goals.
In order to ensure the continued adequacy and effectiveness of this document:
- LAST TECHNOLOGY is committed to ensuring that the design and implementation of activities, workplaces and operating methods are managed in such a way as to safeguard the health and safety of workers, the environment, company assets, third parties and the community, and comply with the laws and regulations applicable from time to time;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY undertakes to formulate objectives for continuous improvement of quality, health and safety, environmental (including pollution prevention) and energy saving performance;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY undertakes to assess in advance the risks to which staff are exposed for each new activity, a process adopted in order to implement solutions capable of preventing accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses, investing in particular in eliminating dangers at source, reducing exposure to hazards, decreasing the probability of accidents and preferring collective protection devices to individual protection devices, including by investigating the causes of any accidents of near misses;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY undertakes to assess in advance the potential risks associated with the reference context and each of the processes related to Quality, Safety, Environment and Energy;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY is committed to maintaining active and up-to-date management and surveillance procedures for the continuous control of compliance with regulations on contractual treatment, health and safety of personnel, compliance with regulations applicable to machinery and work equipment, respect for the environment, and for interventions to be carried out in the event of non-compliance, irregularities and emergencies identified;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY further undertakes to assess in advance the environmental aspects of all new processes and activities, the effects of existing activities on the local environment, and to examine all relevant impacts of these measures on the environment in general, including the reduction of pollution and contamination of the environment;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY undertakes to promote training, information and awareness-raising activities, including what is necessary for the continuous use of PPE, involving all company personnel, making them aware of their individual obligations and the importance of each individual action for the achievement of the expected results;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY is committed to communicating with and involving internal and external stakeholders, activating appropriate communication channels, internally or externally, to ensure a continuous and fruitful exchange with all personnel and with the outside world;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY undertakes to ensure cooperation with the public authorities to establish and update whatever is necessary regarding the various authorisations that may be required;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY undertakes to encourage and involve suppliers in the adoption of adequate personnel management and training systems to establish with them mutual benefits in terms of quality, respect for health and safety, the environment and energy;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY undertakes to disseminate the principles of the integrated Quality, Safety, Energy and Environment system so that they are known and pursued by all personnel. It is management’s task to convey this awareness through sensitisation and by displaying the policy statement in the workplace;
- LAST TECHNOLOGY is committed to complying with the legislation, provisions and mandatory regulations applicable to its products and services, environmental, energy saving, and health and safety aspects.
LAST TECHNOLOGY likewise undertakes to:
- develop and maintain the Energy Management System in compliance with the ISO 50001 standard, ensuring that it is adapted to the real situation of LAST TECHNOLOGY and its energy consumption;
- put itself on the line by having its conformity assessed by an external certification body and obtaining its subsequent certification;
- ensure maintenance of performance at optimal levels and undertake a path of continuous improvement of the same;
- make available to all personnel involved such information and resources (material, human, etc.) as are necessary to achieve the energy objectives;
- ensure the availability of human resources for the setting up of Energy Teams dedicated to the implementation and monitoring of the energy management system;
- guarantee the availability of all personnel so that they are periodically updated on the news, both in regulatory terms and in terms of initiatives for energy issues;
- ensure that all staff are regularly updated on new developments, both in terms of legislation and initiatives on energy issues;
- develop periodic Energy Analyses with the aim of defining energy objectives and supporting the creation of appropriate procedures for their achievement;
- distribute all the results (both positive and negative) of the analyses in order to show the progress made in achieving the energy targets;
- actively support the purchase and application of energy efficiency products;
- integrate the Energy Management System into the core-business;
- have in place appropriate documents, procedures and records for the proper maintenance of the system;
- allow a continuous review of the system and its characteristics, focusing on the improvement policy.
Management has therefore established the development, implementation and continuous improvement of an Integrated System in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 and UNI EN ISO 50001:2018, consisting of the organisational structure, processes, resources and documentation required to achieve the objectives set out in the company’s policies and strategies. This policy must be implemented by all personnel, at all company levels.
The growth of LAST TECHNOLOGY has been made possible thanks to the perfect synergy between all departments and the strong spirit of cooperation of those who work there. As a result, we are in the best possible frame of mind and in optimum conditions to be able to achieve the lowest achievable energy impact and contribute to protecting the environment both for ourselves and for future generations.
Prata di Pordenone, 15 June 2023
The Management