Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a versatile compound used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly as a plasma gas for decontamination processes.
At LAST Technology, we have developed the DPB series of decontamination pass-box machines to make this process more efficient and safer.
Properties and action of hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a compound containing peroxide (O-O)2 ions and is also a strong oxidant. The active substance of hydrogen peroxide is effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses. The biocidal action occurs through the decomposition of the peroxide, which generates the free OH radical with high reactivity.
The oxidative effect occurs at the level of lipid membranes, DNA and other components essential for microorganisms. Through effective mechanical cleaning and the development of oxygen, an extremely powerful antiseptic action is achieved.
Applications in the pharmaceutical industry
In the pharmaceutical industry, it is common to use hydrogen peroxide in the form of plasma gas, which is vaporised and injected into a decontamination chamber. In this way, a thin film of hydrogen peroxide quickly forms on exposed surfaces.
Once the set amount of hydrogen peroxide has been dispensed into the chamber, the aeration phase is completed. Subsequently, the H2O2 vapour is catalytically converted into oxygen and water. This application is mainly used to decontaminate thermolabile materials, such as plastic syringe trays, electronic components, pre-sterilised material, disinfectants and more.
Vapourised hydrogen peroxide also has the advantage of rapidly decomposing into water and oxygen, often before reaching the sewage system, thus having a low environmental impact.
At LAST Technology we produce decontamination DPBs, which use this process to ensure maximum safety and hygiene. Our pass-boxes allow the transfer of components from the dirty side to the clean side or vice versa, through a decontamination cycle that guarantees a bacterial reduction of up to three logs. These innovative solutions make LAST Technology a reliable partner for decontamination needs in the pharmaceutical industry.